Bank trust departments use TNET to offer trust and agency services to the community. Typical departments will have a wide variety of accounts and asset types. While most bank trust departments use an omnibus custody structure, we can also work with offices that use individually registered custody accounts.
TNET provides reporting for clients, investment managers, the IRS and examiners.
Trust companies could offer services to a broad range of account types but are often focused on certain narrower account types so they can be efficient and profitable. We work with some trust companies that use omnibus custody structure and others that use individually registered custody accounts.
TNET provides reporting for clients, investment managers, the IRS and examiners.
Law offices that use TNET sometimes specialize in probate work, and sometimes are serving as a multi-family office. Custody is almost always with individually registered accounts.
TNET can import transactions from a daily data feed that comes from your custodian or broker, then produce an electronic reconciliation. Once the data is in the TNET database, it can be used for reporting to clients, courts and tax preparers.
Special Needs Trust offices use TNET to write checks, account for fund balances, and prepare reporting for clients. Most special needs trust offices use a pooled fund approach with one or more pools, each account participating in only one fund.
TNET does the accounting for the pooled fund, writes checks, does bank reconciliation and prepares statements for clients.
Offices that start with TNET Lite BackOffice can apply 100% of their license investment to a later upgrade to the full TNET software as their firm grows. This makes it an easy choice to get started with budget-friendly software and a painless upgrade when the time is right.
Offices under $10 million under management or under 40 accounts qualify for TNET Lite BackOffice.